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Procedure to file ESI Nil Return on ESIC Portal

How to file ESI Nil Return on ESIC Portal?


The submission of an ESI Return is required for all Employees’ State Insurance (ESI)-registered employees. Employees are required to submit the return every six months until the set due date. The Employer must submit ESI Nil Returns to the ESIC Department even if there was no employee contribution for the month. Non-filing or late filing of a return may result in penalties and legal consequences. The thorough information in this article will help you to know more about ESIC Nil Returns, ESI Registration and the documents required to file ESI Returns.

What is an ESI Return?

Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) is an independent organization managed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment. It is a self-financing social security and health insurance program for Indian workers. Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) and its rules and regulations are in charge of managing this ESI fund. ESI is collected every month by the employer and should be paid by the 15th of the month but the companies that have registered for ESI are required to submit their ESIC Return once every six months during the two time periods of 1 April through 30 September and 1 October through 31 March.


ESI is a social security program provided by the Indian government according to the Employees’ State Insurance Act of 1948. This program is self-financing, with regular monthly contributions from both employees and employers equal to a certain percentage of their salaries.

Advantages of Filing Employee State Insurance Corporation Returns

Employees who have registered with Employee State Insurance Corporation are eligible for maternity leaves for women employees as well as medical care for themselves and their dependents. Below are the advantages of Filing Employee State Insurance Corporation Return


·       Medical Advantages: The provision of medical advantages to the employees is one of the key goals of submitting this form for registration. Workers who are afflicted by a disease or other situation can immediately take the benefit.

·       Social Security: The government has created the ESIC Registration program as a form of social security. Social security benefits, including maternity insurance, disability compensation, and other associated benefits are offered through this program.

·       Simple Processing: Benefits under this scheme are easily accessible at any hospital or healthcare facility. Any payments made via this scheme may be compensated.

·       Advantages associated with sickness: Each employee would be eligible for a different type of sickness advantage through ESIC registration. These benefits are provided at a rate equal to 70% of the employer’s compensation. If the condition lasts longer than 90 days or three consecutive months, this amount will be taken into account and provided.

·       Advantages associated with Maternity: Every company that participates in this program must offer maternity benefits such as maternity leave to the expecting mothers.

·       Advantages associated with Disabilities: This program includes coverage for disability benefits as well. In the case of an unforeseeable permanent incapacity or death. The dependents of an employee may file a claim if an unexpected circumstance results in the death of an employee or permanent incapacity.

Mandatory documents that are Required to File ESI Returns

The mandatory documents required to file ESI Returns are listed below-:

·        The following records need to be kept up-to-date in order to file ESI returns.

·        The attendance record

·        Form 6

·        Record of wages

·        A list of any accidents that have occurred there.

·        Inspection book

·        ESI returns and monthly challans

Other Specific Documents Required to File ESI Returns

The specific documents required to file ESI Returns are listed below-:

·       A registration certificate or the appropriate license must be presented under the Shops and Establishments Act.

·       The certificate of incorporation must be submitted if the company has been registered under the terms of the Companies Act, 2013.

·       The Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association are required along with the other documents.

·       A copy of the relevant trust deed needs to be submitted if the organization is a partnership corporation.

·       The certificate certifying the beginning of work in the factory must be presented if the business is a factory.

·       Details of the staff of the business or factory.

·       Information about the monthly contributions of the employee to the factory or another entity.

·       A complete list of the directors, shareholders, and partners of the company.

·       Permanent Account Number (PAN ) of the Organization.

·       Respective Bank Statement of the Organization.

·       Registration of Form 6.

·       Wages Registry.

·       Address of the property and additional details about the property.

·       Certifications and an Inspection Book.

·       Attendance records of the Organization.

How to file ESI Nil Return on ESIC Portal?

The following steps can be used to submit a NIL return:


·        Log into your EPFO portal .

·        To file an ECR (Electronic challan cum return) or return, go to Payments

·        Then, next to the Direct Challan section, click “Challan Entry”

·        Enter the month, choose the challan type, and, if necessary, add the administrative fees

·        A TRRN number will be generated, and you will be able to locate your draught challan in the “Draft Challan List”

·        Then make your required payment

FAQ’s on How to file ESI Nil Return on EPFO Portal?


1. What is the ESI Code number?

This is the 17-digit unique identification number that is allotted to every registered establishment. This number gets generated through the ESIC portal on the submission of required information by the employer or it is generated on receipt of a survey report from the Social Security Officer.


2. What is the procedure for registering an employer?

Form-1 must be completed by an employer within 15 days of the ESI Act becoming applicable to their establishment or unit.


3. Is it required for employers to register with the ESI?

Yes, all qualifying employers are required to register their business, factory, or institution. Therefore, within 15 days of the ESI Act being relevant to them, the employer has a legal responsibility to register their unit, factory, or facility under the ESI Act.


4. What are the requirements of compliance under the ESI Act?

Every employer who is subject to this Act is required to follow certain rules. These regulations outline how to make contributions on a monthly basis, submit returns every six months, and notify the appropriate authorities of any modifications to the business’s ownership, management, or address. The upkeep of registers and records is another compliance obligation that registered businesses must adhere to.


5. What are the benefits of ESIC Registration?

The following are some benefits of ESIC registration:

  • Provides full medical benefits
  • Protects dependents
  • Utilized in hospitals and other ESI dispensaries
  • Repays all expenses
  • Considers the needs of disabled people
  • Provides access to medical treatment in ESI hospitals/dispensaries


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