You must be registered as a taxable person under GST
Goods & services on which you want to claim ITC, should have been used only for business purposes
ITC can be claimed on taxable & zero rated supplies (exports).
If the constitution of registered taxable person changes due to sale, merger or transfer of business, then unused ITC shall be transferred to the sold, merged or transferred business
You can credit ITC in your Electronic credit Ledger on the common portal in a provisional manner as prescribed in the model GST law.
To claim ITC, you need supporting documents like tax invoice, debit note, supplementary invoice, etc.
You can claim ITC, if you have actually received some goods & services.
To claim ITC, the Input Tax must be paid through electronic cash ledger or electronic credit ledger.
It is mandatory to file all the applicable GST returns under section 27 like GST-1, 2, 2A, 6, 6A, 7, 7A.
For goods which are received in lots, you can claim ITC only after you have received the final lot.