Get your EPF Registration with us, at Just Rs. 5999/-*
Now to get started Pay Just Rs. 299/- , and the rest will be pay conveniently after processing begins.

PF Registration is Compulsory for All establishment where there is 20 or more Employee as per Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. It is Managed by the EPFO. It is one type of Saving in which every Employee registered under EPFO shall require to Contribute some portion of Salary every month. On other side Employer also contribute same amount every month in the Employee’s PF Account. In addition to this EPFO give Interest on the amount deposited in the PF Account which is quite higher than FD so it is beneficiary for Employee to Contribute in PF Account as much as he can. All employers having PF registration are responsible to file returns monthly.

Reason to Contribute in EPF:
Document for PF Registration
Process of EPF Registration